Learn How a Nebulizer Can Help You or Your Child Breathe Easily

Nov 03, 2023 By Nancy Miller

Nuberalizer is a popular tool prescribed by doctors under various medical conditions such as flu, blockage in the oxygen nerves, and so on. However, many new parents fear using the machine for their young ones.

So, are you also one who wants to be 100 percent sure about the Nebulizer's effectiveness and safety before using it for your little angels? If yes, do not look further because you have already landed in the right place. Keep reading, and the upcoming content will discuss all the must-know information about the device, letting you know How a Nebulizer Can Help You or Your Child Breathe Easily. So, without any further discussion, let's jump into the content.

Your guide about How a Nebulizer Can Help You or Your Child Breathe Easily

What is meant by Nebulizer

It is how children consume their medicines for asthma as they reach the lungs through the inhaling process. A nebulizer is a product that works as an inhaler to provide the lungs with their medication. An inhaler or Nebulizer makes particles of dose so small that they seem like steam; it is a function of an inhaler that changes an amount into a spray, making it easy for kids to consume their medication.

How does Nebulizer work?

Nebulizer works by relaxing your nerves through air pressure. Thus, a vacuum is created for oxygen to freely and smoothly flow. Usually, a machine is attached to a mask through a pipe. The device has a wire and plugs that you must connect with a socket and plug on. It starts creating the pressure to enhance the overall breathing system,

How a Nebulizer can help you or your child breathe easily

As it is an electronic item which takes electricity or a battery to work. You can find four portions: a cup, a mask for the face, a tubing, and a motor. To take the treatment using a nebulizer requires placing the drug into the cup connecting to the tubing with an engine. Then, you have to click the facemask with the tubing. Next, you have to turn on the machine so that it can create steam in the face mask, which a kid inhales.

The whole process of a child receiving the medication takes about 10 to 15 minutes. A kid must be calm and stable to receive all the dose benefits. The kid may feel weird and uncomfortable due to the mask that is applied to their face; in that case, parents should help the kid to feel comfortable and restful.

It is imperative to take care of the hygiene of the Nebulizer or inhaler and clean it after every use. Not cleaning the Nebulizer can cause several problems as the germs and old medicines will be on it until subsequent usage. It is highly recommended to cleanse them after using it by scrubbing every portion under running water. For extra safety, clean the cup using vinegar two times a week by taking equal quantities of water and vinegar in a bowl and dipping the cup in it.

Guidance by a doctor

Countless people have the wrong thought that a Nebulizer is necessary when a child is going through a cough or cold; hence, they use it by themselves while asking a doctor. You should know that kids can have different types of requirements when they have a cold, and Nebulizer can not be used every time. So it is highly suggested to contact a doctor and act according to his guidance.

Medicines that are used in Nebulizer

Prescriptions such as antibiotics, steroids, etc, come in handy to cure tight huskiness near the bronchi and airway. One of the popular medicines for the cure of wheezing or asthma is bronchodilator. When a child has bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis, antibiotics are recommended. Hypertonic saline is suggested for children having cystic fibrosis and bronchiolitis.

Inhaler of dry power

Dry inhalers are more effective, but it may be a little hard for tiny babies as it takes more of their strength to inhale. In dry inhalers, the dose does not come out as a mist but in powdery form. This process can be done quickly with a child of 6-7 years old.

How to take care of Nebulizer

Taking care of your Nebulizer and arranging for its maintenance is a crucial thing. It will not only help to maintain a hygienic nebulization session but also increase the lifespan of your machine. Here is how you take care of a nebulizer.

Things to do after every use

  1. Wash the cup and mouthpiece under fresh running water. You can use sanitization fluid specially available for this purpose in the market. You can get one from a pharmacist nearby.
  2. Place the medicine cup and mask you have just washed on a clean surface. Using tissue instead of clothing is a good idea to maintain hygiene.
  3. Once dried, run the machine through the air for about 30 minutes to 1 second. They will ensure that no signs of wetness are left in the machine.
  4. Cover your machine with a clean, washed, and sanitised cloth and put it in the box for later use.

Things to do after every two weeks

It would help if you cleaned your Nebulizer at least once in 15 days to get rest assured of your child's safety. Here is how you do it

  1. Remove the nebulization machine and soak the mask and cup under the clean water.
  2. Let it dry to ensure no dirt is left on the mask and the cup.
  3. Once you are sure that both the elements are completely dried, repeat the same process. But this time, use a mixture of white vinegar and distilled water.
  4. Let it dry and pack as told above.


In a nutshell, nebulization is a common practice that helps your child to breathe without any difficulty. However, as parents or guardians, you should learn everything essential about the process. The same is why we have formed this guide about how a nebulizer can help you or your child breathe easily. Thus, stay hooked on the content from start to finish.

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