Low-Histamine Diet

Jun 20, 2023 By Nancy Miller

A low-histamine diet can benefit many people due to its potential ability to reduce allergic reactions and painful inflammation. Histamines are naturally occurring biochemicals found in some foods that give rise to inflammation, irritation, and a range of uncomfortable symptoms when your body is sensitive or oversensitive to them.

If you suffer from chronic allergies, headaches, hives, eczema, or other similar conditions, a low-histamine diet could help improve your quality of life.

This blog post will provide information on what histamines are; which foods contain higher levels of histamines; how consuming high amounts of these chemicals may lead to an immune response; and how following a low-histamine diet might alleviate said symptoms enough for those suffering from inflammatory illnesses. Read on!

What is a Low-Histamine Diet, and Why Should You Consider It?

A low-histamine diet is a special dietary plan that helps reduce the levels of histamines in your body. Histamines are molecules naturally produced by the body as part of an immune response and can be found in certain foods such as aged cheeses, smoked meats, fermented products, pickled vegetables, avocados, and tomatoes.

However, some people may be sensitive to histamines and experience symptoms such as headaches, hives, itching, stomach upset, or difficulty breathing. If you are someone who experiences these reactions when eating certain foods, a low-histamine diet could be beneficial for you.

On a low-histamine diet, you would need to avoid the high-histamine-containing foods mentioned above and focus on eating low-histamine foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, poultry, unprocessed lean meats, and gluten-free grains.

A low-histamine diet can also involve taking supplements that help reduce the body's production of histamines or block their effects.

Benefits of a Low-Histamine Diet

A low-histamine diet can be beneficial for those who are sensitive to histamines. By avoiding high-histamine foods and taking supplements, you may experience fewer symptoms, such as headaches or hives.

A low-histamine diet is often nutrient-rich since it focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating various nutrient-rich foods may also boost your overall health and immune system.

If you suspect that histamines may be causing your symptoms, it's best to speak with a doctor or nutritionist before making any changes to your diet.

They can help you determine if a low-histamine diet is right for you and guide you in safely making dietary changes. With the right plan, you can gain control over your symptoms and start feeling better.

Foods to Avoid on a Low-Histamine Diet

High-histamine foods include aged cheeses, smoked meats, fermented products, pickled vegetables, avocados, and tomatoes. Additionally, it would be best if you also avoided the following:

• Alcoholic beverages

• Nuts and nut butter

• Chocolate

• Processed meats (e.g., bacon or deli meat)

• Canned foods

• Citrus fruits (e.g., oranges, grapefruits, lemons)

• Eggs

• Peanuts and other legumes

• Shellfish

• Dairy products

If you're following a low-histamine diet, checking labels on packaged foods for added histamines is important. Additionally, look out for food additives such as preservatives, colorings, and flavorings that may contain histamines.

Foods You Can Enjoy on a Low-Histamine Diet

You can still enjoy a variety of foods on a low-histamine diet. Here are some low-histamine foods you can add to your diet:

• Fresh fruits and vegetables

• Nuts (not peanuts)

• Seeds

• Lean meats and poultry (not processed)

• Fish

• Gluten-free grains, such as rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and oats

• Coconut oil or olive oil for cooking

• Herbs and spices

• Non-dairy milk, such as soy or almond milk

• Gluten-free bread and crackers

• Freshly prepared meals with few ingredients

It's important to note that some low-histamine foods can become high in histamines when cooked or processed. For example, tomatoes are naturally low in histamines but become high in histamines when cooked.

It's also important to avoid leftovers and leftovers that have been sitting out for more than four hours, as they can develop higher levels of histamine.

How to Identify Histamine Intolerance Symptoms?

Some of the most common symptoms of histamine intolerance include headaches, hives, itching, stomach upset, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms may worsen after eating certain foods or beverages.

If you suspect you have histamine intolerance, speaking with a doctor or nutritionist is best to get an accurate diagnosis. They can also help you create a low-histamine diet plan tailored to your needs.

A low-histamine diet can be beneficial for those who are sensitive to histamines. By avoiding high-histamine foods and taking supplements, you may experience fewer symptoms, such as headaches or hives.

A low-histamine diet is often nutrient-rich since it focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating various nutrient-rich foods may also boost your overall health and immune system. With the right plan, you can gain control over your symptoms and start feeling better.

Strategies for Managing Histamine Intolerance

If you've been diagnosed with histamine intolerance, there are a few strategies you can use to manage your symptoms. The following tips may help:

• Avoid high-histamine foods and beverages

• Take supplements that block the effects of histamines

• Make sure leftovers don't sit out for more than four hours

• Take probiotics to help reduce histamine production

• Eat freshly prepared meals with few ingredients

• Avoid processed foods with preservatives, colorings, and flavorings

• Monitor your reaction to different foods and beverages

If you're following a low-histamine diet, speaking with a doctor or nutritionist is important before making any major changes.

They can guide how to safely make dietary changes and ensure you get all the necessary nutrients. With the right plan, you can gain control over your symptoms and start feeling better.

Tips for Making the Transition to a Low-Histamine Diet Easier:

If you're making the transition to a low-histamine diet, here are a few tips that may help make the process easier:

• Start by identifying your triggers. Knowing which foods tend to cause reactions can help you plan your meals more effectively and avoid any potential triggers.

• Stock up on low-histamine ingredients. Plenty of low-histamine ingredients can make meal planning and preparation much easier.

• Experiment with new recipes. Trying new recipes can help keep meals

interesting and exciting. You may even discover some favorites along the way!

• Meal prep in advance. Preparing meals can save you a lot of time during your busy week.

• Be mindful of your portion sizes. Eating larger portions than you normally would also increase the risk of developing histamine intolerance symptoms.

Finally, it's important to remember that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. If a low-histamine diet isn't working for you, speak with a doctor or nutritionist to find out what other dietary changes you can make.

By following a low-histamine diet, you can manage your symptoms and start feeling better. With the right plan, you can gain control over your health and boost your overall well-being.


What are the worst histamine foods?

The foods that contain the highest levels of histamines are aged, fermented, or pickled items such as beer and wine, hard cheeses, vinegar-based products like pickles and salad dressings, smoked meats and fish, shellfish, yeast products like bread and other baked goods made with brewer's yeast.

Are scrambled eggs low in histamine?

Scrambled eggs are not considered a low-histamine food, as they contain moderate levels of histamines. However, if you are following a low-histamine diet, it is important to note that the cooking method can affect the amount of histamines in the egg. Boiled eggs may be a better option than scrambled eggs when following a low-histamine diet.

Can a low-histamine diet help with allergies?

Following a low-histamine diet could help reduce allergy symptoms in some individuals. Histamines are natural compounds that can trigger the body's allergic response, and following a diet low in histamines may help reduce your exposure to them. However, it is important to note that this diet should not replace any medication or treatments prescribed by your doctor for allergies.


The low-histamine diet can be an effective way to manage a variety of symptoms related to histamine intolerance. Although this area has limited research, speaking with a healthcare professional before trying any new dietary changes is important. Additionally, you must work closely with your doctor or nutritionist to ensure you follow a balanced diet and get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. By following a low-histamine diet, you can reduce symptoms associated with histamine intolerance and improve your overall quality of life.

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