The Allergy List: 10 Plants and Trees to Avoid

Sep 19, 2023 By Madison Evans

Are you someone who suffers from seasonal or even year-round allergies? If so, chances are that pollens from plants are to blame. But, even though many people know what they’re allergic to by now, it's important to stay informed on what exactly is causing the sneezing and sniffling. That's why today we're going to discuss 10 of the most common allergens – both outdoor and indoor plants – so that you can recognize and avoid them in your home or garden. Keep reading for an allergy-friendly list of greenery!


This is one of the most common outdoor pollen sources for seasonal allergies, and it's found in all parts of North America. It flowers from August to October, and its small yellow-green blossoms release a lot of tiny grains that cause serious allergy symptoms like;

  • Sneezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy eyes
  • Coughing

Elm Trees:

Elm trees have a certain elegance about them, standing tall and proud with their impressive branches reaching skyward. These iconic trees have been used in landscaping and urban environments for centuries, earning both admiration and respect among homeowners and arborists alike.

Known for their hardiness and ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions, elm trees have become a symbol of resilience and perseverance. From their beautiful leaves to their intricate bark patterns, there's no denying the beauty and majesty that elm trees bring to any setting.

Birch Trees:

Birch trees are stunning in their simplicity. With their distinctive white bark and delicate leaves, these trees stand out in any landscape. Birch trees are a popular choice for both landscapers and homeowners due to their versatility. They can grow in a variety of soils and environments, from coastal areas to mountain forests. The bark of these trees is also known for its durability, making it a popular choice for crafting items like furniture, baskets, and canoes.


Mold is a fungus that thrives in damp and humid environments, like bathrooms, basements, and other areas of the home. It produces tiny spores that are easily inhaled and can cause serious allergy symptoms such as;

  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Even asthma attacks


Ragwort, a member of the daisy family, is a beautifully vibrant plant that has been both celebrated and reviled throughout history. With its delicate yellow petals and feathery leaves, it can be a welcomed sight in a meadow or garden.

Despite this, some species of ragwort have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine. It is clear that there is a complex relationship between humans and ragwort, both as a source of beauty and danger.

Juniper Shrubs:

Juniper shrubs are a popular and versatile choice for enhancing the landscape of any home or garden. These shrubs come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making it easy to find the perfect option for any space. Junipers are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they are also low maintenance, making them a favorite among even the busiest gardeners.

These drought-tolerant plants can withstand the toughest of weather conditions and are perfect for those looking to add some greenery to their landscape without having to put in a lot of effort.

Cypress Trees:

Standing tall and majestic, cypress trees have been a symbol of elegance and grandeur for centuries. These impressive evergreens are known for their conical shape and their unique appearance, with their trunks adorned with knobby and twisted protuberances. Found in wetlands all over the world, cypress trees are known to live for centuries, with some specimens being over a thousand years old.

Their wood is highly valued for its durability and resistance to decay, making it a popular choice for outdoor furniture and construction. The Spanish even used cypress wood to build their famous galleons during the Age of Exploration.

House Dust Mites:

House dust mites are small organisms that feed on dead skin cells in your home. They produce tiny droppings that can trigger allergy symptoms like;

  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Asthma attacks

It's important to keep your home clean and dust-free to reduce the number of dust mites present.

Cat Dander:

Cats produce a lot of dander, which is made up of tiny pieces of their skin and fur. When inhaled, these small particles can cause;

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Other allergy symptoms

It's important to keep your home clean and vacuum regularly if you have cats in your home.

Cockroach Droppings:

Cockroaches produce small droppings that can cause serious allergies when inhaled. These droppings contain proteins that trigger asthma attacks and other allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. It's important to keep your home clean and free of cockroaches to avoid coming into contact with their droppings.


It's important to be aware of the plants and other allergens that could trigger your seasonal allergies. By recognizing and avoiding common offenders, you can help lessen your allergy symptoms and enjoy a more comfortable environment. Don't forget to regularly clean and vacuum your home to reduce the number of allergens present in your living space! With the right knowledge and precautions, you can keep allergies from ruining your day.

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