Learn about the increased ovarian cancer survival rate. Unlock life-saving facts and precautions. Save lives today!

Sep 19, 2023 By Nancy Miller

Ovarian cancer is one of the most deadly forms of this dangerous disease. It is a silent foe that often strikes. Still, this shadow of doubt contains a glimmer of hope: a lighthouse that can show the way to early discovery and better results. These are the facts, the lifelines, that everyone should hold on to with both hands because they could save lives. Cancer can be found in any organ, crack, or cell. Even though this dangerous enemy can attack any part of our complicated bodies, ovarian cancer stands out as one of the most mysterious and ruthless enemies. The American Cancer Society says it threatens the lives of one in every 75 women and has a one-in-a-hundred chance of taking their lives too soon. This dangerous enemy sneaked into the lives of more than 22,000 women in 2016 alone, putting out the light of about 14,000 precious souls.

But we can save ourselves if we have the correct information. There are many reasons why ovarian cancer is not diagnosed until a crucial stage. Our ovaries hide their secrets well because they are deep inside our bodies. Symptoms, often ignored because they seem normal, whisper their warnings softly. But the first step to ending it is to know about it. Going to the toilet very often can be a sign of danger. Have you ever noticed this? Most people do not see this as well. You know what? A study in The British Charity Target Ovarian Cancer told us that only 3% of people could answer the symptoms, and only 1% could name them.

Signs and Symptoms

According to June Y. ovarian cancer was once known as the silent killer due to the fact that its early symptoms are frequently indistinct and missed. At Columbia University, she works as an assistant clinical professor in the field of gynecologic oncology. If ovarian cancer has not gone very far, it is unlikely to be detected in its early stages as per her.

So, three known types of ovarian cancer have been diagnosed to date.

  • Epithelial Ovarian Carcinomas
  • Germs Cells Tumor
  • Stromal Cells Tumor

Strategies To Know To Save Your Life

Although ovarian cancer currently has no treatment, preventative measures are being investigated. Since there is now no reliable method of early detection for ovarian cancer, and since significant research has shown that even finding the disease 18–24 months earlier, even before symptoms occur, does not improve mortality, we must shift our attention to tactics that do work and can make a significant difference and save lives.

Knowledge of risk and preventative strategies is crucial for the 20% of ovarian tumors caused by a genetic mutation. And it increases the ovarian cancer survival rate.

70% of the risk of starting deadly and dangerous ovarian cancer lies in fallopian tubes. Leaving the ovaries in place during pelvic surgery (like a hysterectomy or tubal ligation) has been shown to lower the chance of ovarian cancer.

Get Genetic Testing

Evidence suggests that an inherited genetic mutation accounts for roughly 20% of ovarian cancer cases. This malignancy has one of the highest rates of heritable mutations. Even though BRCA 1 and 2 mutations make up most of these cases, there are other DNA changes. If you have a disorder in your genes that makes you more likely to get cancerous cells from mutation, you should get genetic tests as soon as possible.

Some significant policies from NCCN suggest that patients with a confirmed diagnosis of ovarian cancer undergo both germline (inherited) and somatic (acquired) testing since specific gene alterations can affect treatment. Please take note that repeat genetic testing may be necessary if you've already had it done before 2013.

Know the Preventive Actions

Research shows that 70% of the most common and dangerous ovarian cancer types start in the fallopian tubes. These precancerous lesions show up years before any signs can be seen.

Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is recommended for women at high risk of ovarian cancer who have passed the pregnancy stages and do not want to conceive anymore. It includes the removal of both fallopian tubes and ovaries.

However, a bilateral salpingectomy is an option for those who want to avoid surgical menopause. It includes the removal of fallopian tubes only. It has also been shown that this method lowers danger by a lot.

Suppose you are at medium risk for ovarian cancer. In that case, you should consult your doctor about removing your fallopian tubes but keep your ovaries in place to prevent pregnancy complications. Opportunistic salpingectomy (OS) is a procedure that removes one or both of the fallopian tubes to lower the chance of getting high-grade serous ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

September is the official month for ovarian cancer awareness month. Getting the correct information and staying updated with the facts regarding this life-risking disease is a need. So, September is your time to unlock the mysteries of this disease and be aware.

The main goal during OCAM (ovarian cancer awareness month) should be gaining and spreading knowledge. We don't know enough about this terrible disease and aren't making enough progress against it. We will keep spreading evidence-based information about this disease that every person should know.

Help those whose lives have been touched by ovarian cancer with financial concerns so that research may be funded, legislation and regulations can be improved, and more reasonable treatment options can be made available. Contribute to them, and the end product will be better for everyone.

Participate in the conversation on behalf of women affected by this illness. Share their tales and experiences with as many people as you can, and make sure they receive the chance to be seen and heard. As a result, everyone gains information and educates themselves based on their experiences.

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